• Question: What is your dream job

    Asked by PepsiBP09 to Daniel, Freya, James, Miranda, Usman on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: James Gilbert

      James Gilbert answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      I would be a freelance inventor, with my own lab and a huge workshop at my house in the countryside. I’d also have a brewery – I’d brew beer every week (I do this a bit a home already), and I’d wait for inspiration to strike for a new invention and then go and make it happen in the lab.

    • Photo: Usman Bashir

      Usman Bashir answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      A job on a latest MRI machine, working with physicist and mathematicians, discovering ways of detecting cancer as early as possible with the help of the pictures the MRI machine takes (check out my profile pictures!)
