• Question: What about space interests you the most?

    Asked by Matthew to Miranda, James on 17 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: James Gilbert

      James Gilbert answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      Hi Matthew,

      You’re coming up with some great questions 🙂

      For me, it’s the idea of finding other planets like Earth, and finding other life out there. I’m sure it’s out there somewhere….

      I also think it’s important to explore our own solar system so that humanity can live on other planets one day. With enough work, we could move to Mars if anything went wrong on Earth!

    • Photo: Miranda Jackson

      Miranda Jackson answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      I like to study space because the conditions in space are nothing like what we encounter on Earth. This allows us to do great science by observing distant objects that have very high gravitational or magnetic fields. Some of these objects are particle accelerators much more powerful than anything we can build, and they can help us study the conditions at the beginning of the universe, and such research may even lead to better forms of space travel someday.
